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“Swadharma “ is one’s own path of duty. One should study & analyze his.attitudes. to be of high quality, since client is conscious of it To impart self health management by acquiring Antharanga yoga is a scientific process to bring out latest talents in the young boys & girls.
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Welcome to Kapila Maharshi Research For Resources

Was established in the true spirit of teachings of ancient Indian Sage by name Kapila Maharshi ana yoga Philosophy who live around 700 B.C. He preached “ Sankhya Philosophy that became the foundation for Yoga System of Patanjali, which focuses on gn (proper knowledge) for self realization.

Aims & Objectives

  • To carry research for resources in the areas of physical, mental & spiritual health & happiness of the people through yoga & meditation.
  • Although they work, there is no job satisfaction, no passion and love for their work.
  • To bring about awareness of “ Traditional realization ” in the society through the new science of “ Feed Back Survey ”
  • They see work as a means to earn a living and nothing more.
  • A helping hand to the disabled, poor children & under – privileged by providing scholarships & donations on humanity grounds.
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