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“Swadharma “ is one’s own path of duty. One should study & analyze his.attitudes. to be of high quality, since client is conscious of it To impart self health management by acquiring Antharanga yoga is a scientific process to bring out latest talents in the young boys & girls.
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Welcome to Kapila Maharshi Research for Resources
Was established in the true spirit of teachings of ancient Indian Sage by name KAPILA MAHARSHI ana yoga PHILOSOPHY who live around 700 B.C. He preached “ SANKHYA PHILOSOPHY that became the foundation for YOGA SYSTEM OF PATANJALI, which focuses on gn (proper knowledge) for self realization.
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Was established in the true spirit of teachings of ancient Indian Sage by name Was established in the true spirit of teachings of ancient Indian Sage by
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Founder / Chairman
This trust was established by Swadharma yogi Dr.Chukkapali
Venkat Rao (C.V.Rao, born 1953) who taught more than 51000 people...
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Family Yoga
Yoga , Meditation Spl training with Family Counselling
For unity & integrity in family+ holistic health approach.
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“TTC helped me to incorporate healing applications in my Fitness profession. I was impressed so much with KMRR’s professional Yoga New teaching Methods!”
“The Holistic health tips which, I learned at KMRR TTC, helping me to add my Physio-Sessions”
KMRR is not only a learning center but also impacts our thought process and that side of our lives which is spiritual and aesthetic. I am more confident to teach Hatha yoga in India
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